The new Comet group website: more than just in a new design
六月 30, 2020
More functional, more dynamic, more future proofed: Our new website does not only feature a modern design, it will truly help digital dialogue with our audiences.
The new company website is part of the ongoing evolution of the Comet brand and it’s in this perspective that we wanted our website to reflect who we really are: A high-tech company moving with foresight into the future.
Ines Najorka, VP Group Communications, and Telma Matos Project Manager, provide more insights on this project.
What did you want to achieve launching the new website?
IN: In the digital sphere everything evolves so quickly. With the new website we wanted to support the go-to-market approach of our business with a powerful engine and create a sound basis to quickly adapt to the fast-changing digital environment. The new fresh visual in line with our rebranding is only the peak of the iceberg. A lot has been modernized in the backend from coding to integrations and interfaces to fit new business requirements.
Nowadays websites have more to offer for a business than only being a nice shop window. We integrated new functionalities that will enable a more efficient and targeted interaction with our different stakeholders.
TM: We chose an iterative development approach, meaning that we expect the website to evolve as fast as the user’s requirement evolve. Times of “one-shot” website launches are over if we want to address our stakeholder’s needs efficiently over time. Our fast-moving environment requires that we continuously update features and content to make sure user experience is always at its best. So, what you see here today is probably not what you’ll see tomorrow. Exciting new features are already in our scope of work and we are already preparing the launch of the divisional websites.
"The new fresh visual is only the peak of the iceberg. Nowadays websites have more to offer for a business than just being a nice shop window.
They need to facilitate the dialogue with our customers"
Ines Najorka, Vice President Group Communications
What are the benefits for the user browsing your website today?
TM: Over the course of the whole project our sole focus was on improving user experience. For the first launch phase we concentrated on an improved navigation including a search function. We want the user to find what he/she searches for. Not more, not less. To do this, we used various analytical tools including heat maps that helped us find out what content was of interest to users so that we could highlight it in the new version. We have identified different patterns that we will continue to analyze in order to better serve users.
Improvements are also to be seen in the data privacy. Users on our website have full control over the data they want or do not want to share with us via the adaptable cookie preferences. We are going beyond what the GDPR regulation requires, because our goal here is that the user interacts with us in peace of mind.
IN: Also, we introduced a blog. We created a section where content moves as fast as new things emerge in the company. We want to make our company and brand more tangible and be more transparent. The blog helps us to bundle the variety of topics and make them easily accessible. Last but not least the content of our website adapts to the user needs when browsing, should he or she read and interact in the office or on-the-go in desktop, tablet or mobile.
"Times of “one-shot” website launches are over if we want to address our stakeholder’s needs efficiently overtime. So, what you see here today is probably not what you’ll see tomorrow. Exciting new features are already in our scope of work."
Telma Matos, Group Digital Marketing & Communications Consultant
If users are at the center of developments, how can they provide feedback?
TM: The first thing is a very easy one. To us it’s very helpful when users allow cookies on our website. Cookies are little tags stored on the user’s browser that provide us feedback on what has been browsed. We use it in an anonymous way, just to enhance the experience overtime.
In addition, we offer users the possibility to engage in a dialogue with us on this topic. If a user is missing a functionality, encounters some pain points or wants to provide feedback, he or she can let us know using our newly created website experience form. We love to know what customers think about what we develop for them and we are looking forward to getting the first feedbacks.
Interview by Cornelia Bürgi
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