Our takeaway from Semicon Taiwan
九月 20, 2022
Semicon Taiwan 2022, held last week at Taipei Nankang Exhibition Hall, attracted an influential audience from all segments and sectors of the global microelectronics industries. Over the past 10 years, Semicon Taiwan became one of the most important semiconductor industry shows, going hand in hand with the region's development in this area. Comet's local team took the opportunity to showcase our company's latest developments and engage with a highly targeted audience.
Size matters
Our three divisions Comet PCT, Comet Yxlon and Comet X-Ray showed together at one booth how collaboration and synergies can benefit to customers who are looking for reliable partners in microelectronic manufacturing – Whether at the back-end with industrial x-ray modules and systems for non-destructive inspection, or at the front-end with advanced solutions for plasma processing.
Synertia® hits the Asian soil
Comet PCT chose Semicon Taiwan to premiere Synertia® in Asia. Comet's new RF power delivery platform is bringing to this "high-speed market" a disruptive process technology that provides powerful command and control of plasma conditions at the highest speed.
First feedback from visitors has been very positive and the new functionalities are considered highly relevant to the next generation of microchips produced in Taiwan.
Big x-ray inspection solutions for tiny parts
The demand for ever smaller parts requires increased quality assurance.
At the booth, visitors could experience our x-ray and CT inspection solutions: our Comet Yxlon team demonstrated to manufacturers how our x-ray and CT systems can help them meet the high standards of semiconductor quality control – From single die traditional packages to wafers and advanced packaging devices.
The best of inspection also comes from the most precise x-ray sources: The Comet X-ray team presented the FXE series, the high-resolution open microfocus modules, to a taiwanese audience seeking for accuracy and performance needed in semiconductor inspection.
Overall, Semicon Taiwan lived up to its promise of being a top event for microelectronics manufacturing. After two hybrid editions in the previous years, Comet Taiwan's local team was happy to meet in person with partners to find ways to shape the future of semiconductor manufacturing and related industries.
Comet在欧盟芯片多样性联盟中的积极作用: 访谈Meike Boekelmann
十一月 07, 2024
半导体市场在近几年中正面临着严重的人才短缺,其原因来自市场的持续增长,以及在雇主市场的低调表现。作为欧盟芯片多样性联盟(下方简称:ECDA)项目中的一员,Comet致力于通过实际行动缩短这一差距。通过专访Meike Boekelmann, Comet首席人力资源官,让我们一起了解更多项目信息和具体举措。
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Read more我们在中国为国际学生介绍我们的技术和职业发展
八月 06, 2024
上周,我们迎接了12位国际高中的学生到访Comet位于上海的办公室近距离了解半导体制造和质量控制挑战。 为了激发他们的好奇心,帮助他们在高等教育中的专业选择,我们带领他们走进Comet的技术世界,以及了解我们多元化的职业机会。 我们希望通过这类活动点燃他们对技术的热情,投身于这一令人兴奋的领域,同时提升他们对学科的热爱和对未来的憧憬。
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