Bike-to-work: Promoting health, sustainability and team spirit at Comet.

五月 06, 2021

The health of those who are vital for our company is of highest importance. We at Comet, take every opportunity to encourage our people to lead healthier lives and strive for a sustainable future: That’s why we are an active member of "Bike-to-work".

The countdown is on.

Soon, up to 40 000 cyclists will populate the roads of Switzerland, and not just because of the warm spring weather, but also because of a very special initiative called “Bike to work” which aim to promote ecological, energy-efficient and healthy modes of travel. 


> Let’s hear more about the story from Martin Siebert, the initiator of the project at Comet.

It all started with a wish to do more together

Back in 2017, Martin Siebert saw a great opportunity to support a healthy lifestyle while meeting with colleagues:

“I don’t have a car,” he says. “I ride my 20 years old bike 30km a day to work, no matter if it’s summer or winter, raining or snowing. When I met colleagues in the garage doing the same, I found it interesting to start doing something together. That’s why I suggested Comet to join the national initiative.”

Since then, Comet has continuously registered new teams. “One year, we had a team that rode at least once per week together from Flamatt to Thun (about 50km one-way). That was impressive, especially as they were not part of the same team at work” says Martin. “It’s exactly this kind of spirit we want to build. That’s why we even organize events to celebrate it”.

What if we work from home?

Although last year’s edition has been cancelled due to Covid-19, Bike-to-work is back this year with additional ways to participate, including cycling after an employee's work day at home. Since this working model became kind of the "new normal", it’s important that our employees keep a good work-life balance also in these special conditions. As a daily cyclist, Martin is convinced: “This physical effort from the workplace to our home after a day of work, helps to recharge one's batteries. When you open the door of your home, the workday is far behind. So we should also take the opportunity to do this after a working day at home.”

Taking a step towards solving the traffic and pollution problem

Comet subsidiaries are usually located near industrialized cities. The ever-increasing population and number of vehicles in these areas are major causes  of traffic problems, as well as pollution. It’s time for us to take a step towards solving this problem. Cycling is a good activity to enhance your health as well as a blessing for the environment. We actively encourage our employees worldwide to choose alternative ways to go work by cycling or taking public transportation whenever possible.

So… Are you joining us in breathing fresh spring air?

“The idea is to mix people that might never have worked together within the company. Every year we see teams composed of production and office employees. It’s nice to see them challenging each other and work towards the same goal.”

Martin Siebert

Payroll Specialist at Comet Switzerland and coordinator of the campaign “Bike-to-work” in the company.

About "Bike-to-work"

Bike to work is a project of Pro Velo Switzerland that has established itself as a simple and effective health promotion campaign for small and large companies. Its goal is to promote biking as an ecological, energy-efficient and healthy means of travel. By becoming members of the campaign, companies join forces in motivating their employees to choose an alternative way to work: the bike. And it seems to work, as more than 1800 companies are joining the initiative and about 40 000 participants take part this annual action every spring. There is no victory, just mutual motivation: The very attractive rewards offered are randomly attributed. No matter the distance you cycle or the company your work for, you get the same chances to win. In addition, entering and calculating each team’s cycled distance in the system is simply based on trust.



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